Services & Supplies Available at Rabbit Haven
We're always here to help you and your bunnies! Email us to set up an appointment.
Care and Health Services
General Examination
NOTE: This is not a replacement for a vet visit! In a general exam, we give your bunny an 'experienced once-over', and perform basic maintenance services like some of those listed below.
...add Mite Treatment to Exam
$15 and up
Teeth Clipping
NOTE: This is for front teeth only
$20 and up
please e-mail to make an appointment
Grooming incl. Nails & Scent Glands
One Healthy Rabbit
Two Healthy Rabbits in a shared pen
$25 and up per rabbit
Ill Rabbit
Other Services
SPECIALTY Hay per flake
Chewy Sticks per bundle
Pellets 5 LB bag
You want the real poop on great compost?
Of all animal wastes, rabbit droppings have the highest nitrogen content. Rabbit droppings also contain phosphorus which is important for flowers and fruit trees. Many manures must first be composted before they can be applied to your garden. Should you fail to compost them first, you risk burying your plants. Rabbit droppings do not have to be composted they can be applied directly to your garden and they don't smell like other fertilizers.
Fill a black garbage bag for $5 donation. Bring a garbage can to fill for $10 or a truck load for $5 per scoop from our tractor.
Come to the Gig Harbor barn any Saturday afternoon to load - please contact us first to confirm a time.