Our Spay & Neuter Campaign

in collaboration with Willie's Fund


Who Is Willie's Fund?

We are the ones who found Willie. Blind and cold, she had somehow made it into our backyard in CO. We brought her inside, kept her warm and snug in a towel in a shoebox. Knowing nothing about bunnies, but recognizing that she was very young, we gave her some whipping cream, which she ate. And then she pooped. So we figured she might just make it through the night.

Twice a day for the next few months, we'd clean out her eyes with warm water and q-tips. And at about 2 months old, Willie's eyes finally developed.

Willie lived with us for 1 and a half years, a sunshine and source of endless love and companionship, until she unfortunately passed away during spay surgery

Out of Willie's loss came Willie's Fund.

Our Goals

  • To spay and neuter as many bunnies as we can.

  • Raise awareness for spaying and neutering as a clear choice for bunny ownership.

  • Promote the services, knowledge, and history of Rabbit Haven.

  • Promote a spay/neuter tradition in our community so that each year fewer and fewer bunnies go homeless and neglected.

How This Campaign Works?

We cannot safely and successfully fix bunnies without excellent bunny vets. The vets we use are hand-selected from the Puget Sound area by Rabbit Haven.

  • For the Rabbit Haven bunnies, our volunteers care for them before and after surgery, and we spay and neuter all bunnies that come through Rabbit Haven. All Rabbit Haven bunnies are automatically covered by Willie's Fund for their spay/neuter cost.

  • For our outreach bunnies, local indoor bunny owners must apply for available funds. All applications will be reviewed for approval. Applicants must agree to share pictures and stories of their bunny for Rabbit Haven promotional purposes. This will allow us to share the stories and advocate for the use of spay and neuter as a way to keep bunnies with their owners who love them and want to care for them.

Willie's Fund contacts the vet with the decision and provides payment for the surgery once performed. Once surgery has been performed and the bunny is fully healed, the owner may opt to provide a follow-up story and picture of the bunny.

Campaign Funding

Willie's Fund is contributing $5,000 in matching funds for spaying and neutering bunnies in 2020. At least half of the total raised funds will be dedicated to spaying and neutering bunnies in the care of Rabbit Haven. Sue has the sole discretion of deciding which Rabbit Haven bunnies are spayed/neutered.

Donate today to support spay & neuter, because if we don't strive to do better, who will?


Campaign Management

Rabbit Haven is the subject matter expert on all things bunny, liaison for approving the bunnies to be spayed/neutered, and the contact to secure a lower per bunny spay/neuter cost.  

Willie's Fund will advertise the cooperative campaign at the selected vets’ offices, the Rabbit Haven Facebook page and website, and at additional venues as approved by the Rabbit Haven board.

100% of Willie’s Fund contributions go toward spay & neuter surgeries.
We have no overhead and no administrative fees.

Bunnies spayed/neutered 2020